What’s missing from the fut_ _e?
You are.
Future Leaders was created with one clear goal in mind - to make our future a fairer, more equal, more diverse place.
This means involving people just like you in driving real change.
It also means we want to involve people who aren’t just like you.
For us, it starts with helping people find the right role models and mentors to develop their skills. It means connecting visionaries with the people who can help drive change. It means giving more opportunities to people from minority communities.
It means being inclusive, being kind and being human.
None of us are smarter than all of us. We can’t do this without each other.
We need more, not less
More sustainability
Sustainability isn’t a ‘phase’ it needs to become our new normal.
Our future belongs to everyone, including generations who haven’t been born yet. Living green needs to become part of how we think day-to-day; it’s everyone’s responsibility to look after our planet.
More diversity
Diversity makes us stronger, more thoughtful and more successful.
Opening doors and helping people - particularly those from minority communities - accelerate their careers is a crucial part of building a more diverse future - one where we all have a voice.
More leaders
Leaders live inside all of us.
Our future belongs to everyone, including the leaders and mentors of today. Guiding and nurturing the next generations of world, business and social leaders is a priority, not an afterthought.
More vision
Vision is what shapes our future.
Supporting people from different generations and giving them a platform to exchange ideas and collaborate is the bedrock for developing a view of the future that will leave 2020 in the rearview.
More honesty
Honesty isn’t just a policy. It’s something you live, everyday.
From boardrooms to chatrooms, part of building a better tomorrow means facing our past and building on our present. Acknowledging mistakes and problems will always help more than running away from those difficult conversations.
More you
You are a future leader.
Everyone deserves an opportunity, everyone deserves a future and everyone deserves a voice. If you’ve read this far, why not join us? There’s plenty of room for everyone!
We need more diversity, more equality and more positivity. Driving fundamental cultural change starts with the small stuff. Small ripples make big waves.
— Ian Parry, CEO
Our mission
Our future is uncertain, but we won’t mince words; we know what needs to change to make the world a fairer, greener and more diverse place.
Here’s what we’re all about — what makes us tick.
Our board
We’re fortunate enough to have a wonderful group of diverse and experienced leaders.
Meet our board — they’re a great bunch!